Post Operative Physiotherapy

Who can join Pre Operative Physiotherapy?
In some cases , pre operative physiotherapy may be as important as post operative physiotherapy to make your surgery grand success. It is essential to train muscles before hand and very specific strengthening is needed to achieve full recovery after surgery.
- Post operative physiotherapy plays a crucial role in post operative rehabilitation.
- Post surgery physiotherapy ensures faster and complete recovery after surgery and effective return to prior level of physical function.
- Our post operative physiotherapy ensure best and faster possible recovery by first controlling swelling, then restoring full normal range of motion and then progressing to advance strength training program.
Who can join for Post Operative program?
Common surgeries requiring post operative physiotherapy care are:

Joint replacement
knee replacement surgery, PKR, hip replacement surgery.

Wrist and hand
carpal tunnel release, tendon repair and fracture

Shoulder surgery
shoulder reconstruction, shoulder stabilization, rotator cuff repair, acromioplasty, capsulotomy, fracture.

Knee Rehan
ACL, PCL and other ligament reconstruction, meniscal repair, chondroplasty, patellar tendon repair, lateral release and fracture.

Spine surgery ( neck & back)
dissectomy, laminectomy, spinal stabilization/ spinal fusion.

Achilles tendon repair and fasciotomy.

Elbow pain
tennis elbow release, golfers elbow release, fracture plate.

Ankle and foot
ankle reconstruction, tendon repair, spur removal and fracture.