Peadiatric Physiotherapy

Peadiatric Physiotherapy

The goal of Peadiatric rehabilitation is to limit the physiological and psychological effects of childhood disorders like CP, autism and ADHD, and to improve overall mobility and ability to perform activities of daily living

We accomplish this by comprehensive evaluation of each child ‘s condition, abilities & special needs followed by personalized programs tailored to their needs and abilities.

All of this is done in playful manner to keep the child comfortable and positively engaged.

We also deal with counseling and treating parents about the condition & how to help children to perform their daily activities as smoothly as possible.

Who should take Peadiatric Rehabilitation?

All children with risk of development problems or who have developmental delays
& difficulties from birth are welcome to access our clinic.

We also provide rehabilitation for babies with pre term birth, low birth weight, delayed birth cry and history of NICU stay. All these are enrolled for early intervention program where their health is monitored until they reach all their milestones.

Conditions we treat



Rehabilitation after orthopedic surgery and trauma.

Birth disorders:

cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus and brachial plexus injury

Chromosomal disorders

Spinal disorders

spinal muscle atrophy, DMD, scoliosis, postural kyphosis

Gait abnormalities

toe walking& other abnormal gait patterns.
